Ho ho ho! Well, here we are again with another case study 😉 This time we are setting the mood for Christmas because we would like to report to you the course of the fun, which was a limited Christmas game in the form of an outdoor game. Sounds exclusive, huh? Because it was, and not only because of the limited time of availability and the number of groups that could take advantage of our unique offer. As you well know, with us every game is perfected, so in this case, too, we focused on polishing even the smallest detail. A brand new route was created for this game, which started near Cracow’s main square 😉 A whole bunch of new puzzles awaited the participants, some surprises along the way, as well as the ultimate prize!
Well, we already know that you can’t wait for the details, so without further ado – let’s go with the story of what our Christmas game was like!
Since few of you could get acquainted with the plot behind the game, we feel obliged to put you in the mood 😉 So sit back with a mug of hot cocoa (even if you’re reading this in the summer) and immerse yourself in the story.
Well, the holidays were approaching, and with them – of course – the long-awaited appearance of Santa Claus. The cookies and warm milk had already been prepared, the chimneys had been thoroughly cleaned, and every child (young and old alike) was writhing restlessly in bed, fighting sleep. However, at the same time, the Elves from the pole were running around in panic, looking everywhere for their superior! For it turned out that no one had seen the over-sympathetic old man since the morning! The only thing that could be determined was the last location of Santa – Cracow! So the worried Elves gathered a team of daredevils, who were tasked with finding Santa Claus before midnight so that he would have time to distribute all the presents. As you may have already guessed, the group of these daredevils were the participants of the game we prepared 😉 Now that’s what you call a Christmas game, huh?
Of course, there were several rules. Among them was that those taking part had to fit in two hours. This was not an easy task, as we took care of the appropriate number and difficulty of puzzles 😉 The way to the goal was certainly also complicated by the fact that participants had to move through the rather crowded area of Cracow’s market square, on the slab of which climatic booths with Christmas decorations and mulled wine are set up in December. On top of that, the fun took place on the fresh and frosty air! However, the mission turned out to be too important and the players were too determined to pay attention to such little things 😉 .
Our Christmas game was also not without, and how, augmented reality (AR)! It was thanks to a handed-out iPad that participants were able to move around the designated area, find and solve more puzzles! If you have already had to deal with our city games, then you certainly know how much fun it is. And if you haven’t… Well, we cordially invite you to give it a try!!! 😉
The game itself started in Szczepanski Square (yes, that’s the place with the impressive fountain ;)), where one of the Elves equipped with the appropriate equipment was waiting for our brave volunteers. The Elf outlined the situation to the group, handed them a mysterious bag and an iPad, then said goodbye to the team and vanished into thin air! So there was nothing left to do but set out to help Santa. Of course, a Christmas game could not do without a tasty addition. Hence, fortunately, somewhere in between there was a mulled wine waiting for the participants to put them on their feet and a bit of a motivation to take further action 😉 It certainly worked, as the groups that set out on the route showed up at our premises to receive their reward for their dedication. 😀 Of course, there was also a way to get to the prize itself, but maybe we won’t give too much away about the details, in case we happen to have another edition… 😉
And after two hours it was finally time for a well-deserved rest and to share their impressions with the staff. And there were a whole lot of them! Anyway – no wonder, Christmas and everything associated with it has always aroused great emotions 😀 .
As you can see for yourself, the time for great fun with loved ones can be found even in the winter period 😉 Such an experience will undoubtedly be stuck in the memory of the participants for years to come, and so in ours. Who knows, maybe in some time we’ll organize something in a similar style again 😉 Be sure to follow us regularly, because newer and newer ideas are constantly boiling in our heads! And after all… it would be a shame to miss the chance for limited fun, wouldn’t it? Well, that’s right! For this reason, keep checking in on our blog, as well as Facebook and Instagram.
We’ll see you soon! Bye!
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