The history of Halloween
The history of Halloween, the now world-famous ghost holiday, goes back thousands of years. It was born in ancient Britain and Ireland, where it was rumored that the Celts performed their dark magic. The festival of Samhain used to fall on the period separating summer and winter. The crops were slowly disappearing from the fields and nature was preparing for winter, which is when the people of Britain would prepare for the Samhain festival. It was also called the Beginning of the Darker Season, and the Welsh used the name it Nos Galan Gaeaf which means Winter Evening. This holiday is mentioned in the oldest Celtic legends and references to it can be found in Irish mythology. However, the history of Halloween is not only the Celts and their rituals. The festival of ghosts also has a second origin, which alludes to the Roman holiday in honor of Pomona, a nymph who in Roman beliefs was the goddess of orchards, fruits and seeds.
Modern Halloween customs
The festival of ghosts is most lavishly celebrated in the United States, Canada, Australia and the United Kingdom, but the customs of this holiday are probably known to everyone in the world. A spooky Halloween costume is a MUST. It is not uncommon to prepare it months before the big day in order to show off your most terrifying creation to others. The main highlight – which is candy or trick-or-treating – wouldn’t be the same without little Draculas and Witches running around the streets! Kids all over the world knock on houses presenting their costumes and collecting candy. Woe betide anyone who refuses a treat, children have a huge imagination and are sure to pull a huge prank if they don’t get the candy. The traditional Halloween decoration is, of course, a pumpkin with a scary or cute face cut out. A candle inserted inside makes a spooky impression, and we decorate and cut out the pumpkin however we like.
In Ireland, to this day on November 1, no wild fruit is harvested, as people fear it has been poisoned by evil spirits during the night. Scots on Halloween thoroughly clean their dwellings and prepare a large feast, of which, however, they do not treat themselves, but leave it for the night when they go to sleep, so that the spirits that roam the earth that night can feast.
Halloween in Gamescape
Halloween is the perfect opportunity to have fun and get a little crazy. And what will make the fun better is a spooky Halloween costume and going out somewhere with a bunch of friends. Gamescape gives you a lot of possibilities for this day. The variety of rooms gives you almost unlimited room to maneuver if we talk about the idea of a scary Halloween costume. Should the Anatomy of Crime be visited by bloodthirsty murderers this year? Or maybe vampires and warlocks will decide to win the cup of life in Enchanted Amulets? And if you need a stronger thrill we recommend going to one of our city games in the evening. See what ghosts will be waiting for you that night on the streets of Salwator and Zwierzyniec.
Choose your costumes and drop by Gamescape – we’re waiting for you!
Let’s go explore some Cracow
Come take with us another journey right away. Choose the date, meet us at the square, wherefrom the game starts and fall in love with the city. You can already do a reservation on our website here. Cracow’s Legends are waiting for another great players, who would want to know their secrets. Let’s go with us to the outside!
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